Austri frá Holtsmúla 1

IS2011181101 | Chestnut

Austri is very big and handsome guy who holds an important role here in Holtsmúli.

Austri is a school horse and many students have learnt a lot from him.  He is really good at anything, except tolt and pace!   He strongly prefers the trot, and it is very rhythmical and two beated, and great for students to practice their riding in trot.

But that is not the only important role of Austri.   Austri is also the riding horse of our younger daughter Berglind.   She has taken care of his training now since she was 9 years old, and it is not an overstatement to say that they truly are best friends.  She rides him bareback and they jump over obstacles and of course go on trail rides.

Owned by Úrvalshestar

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  • Orri Þúfu
  • Álfadís Selfossi
Austri Holtsmúla 1